votes were down a bit this week. i blame the weather. i have really no one else or any other factor TO blame, so it seems reasonable. please consider making posters and hanging them around your community asking for fuzziechadsrule support. one man can only do so much... giggle. see you all next week.

... and now? TGTF! thank gads they're fuzzie! do any of you remember lil' jedi hammie!? this guy won the hearts of meeelions throughout the galaxy and may have actually been the first jedi to have taught yoda a few of his spinning tricks!

-b, perhaps the special tribute to Nucha got in the way of votes.
Some folks don't look after the first posting. They may consider it the latest one.
Don't get me wrong, I greatly appreciated the tribute. You can tell by the comment I left.
Just some thoughts.
jack... i know.. i was thinking about that too..
wish this blog site allowed side by side postings or something...
dunno how to do that, unless maybe i stop the wed. tributes...
Arrgh indeed. I sense the frustration.
Next week is bound to be better.
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