"tongue-sticker-outter contest!" woot woot! let's have some fun this week and realllly focus on who's putting it out there better than the rest! ever feel like putting it to 'da man!? put one of these faces on and go git 'em! vote for your favorite and tell all yer friends to do the same... smile, laugh, giggle, whatever... we could all prolly use some of that this week....

How can I vote for just one? I've counted, re-counted, voted again, and all I've done is narrow it down to a dead tie for #2 & #3. I have REALLY good reasons for being so totally divided. Don't hate me. MF
#2 melted my heart, and won my vote!! --Sis
Aha, at last you have posted this week's contest. I'm glad I was patient enought to stop back by. lol.
Less seriously, now it is time to cast the vote. As usual you have done well in selecting this week's contestants. You have an awesome task. I don't envy you having make such choices. I do envy you the opportunity to view such kitty- and puppy-liciousness.
Now to get to the real business at hand.
#1, you do have a regal look about you which suggests you could wear the crown with ease. Not so fast. No vote for you.
#2, too bad you are asleep on the job. You are not working hard enough to get the prize, so, no vote for you.
#3, here is a creature that is purely class. The mere hint of tongue is the giveaway. You may call her princess stuffpants, but that is just the sort of comment that a mere peasant would make. You just can't deal with such regal individuality. Be careful, she may have an eye on you to be added to her staff.
#3 is a creature of beauty and class. She has captured my heart as well as my vote.
holy crap.
a fan jes' called me a peasant.
i love da smooshee puggy face, number 1 !!!
Wow! you picked up on that. cooh
and don't accuse me of trying to pad the vote with this comment.
I vote for da kitty!!
princess stuffpants works for me. She never does any chores and jes sits around lickin er pause, Always lyin there with her "you wait on my arse, beeeootch" attitude.
me wonders what she'd do if I shaved er!
She got my vote tho. little miss royal hynee.
arrggggh matey
me tinks number tree should walk de plank!
a vote for 3 just to see her in the drink!
Okay, I haven’t been stopping by anyone’s blogs for a while now- but I've come by to vote! Shhhh! Don’t tell the others!
I'm loving #1 & #3
Even though I love the eyes on #3, I'm gonna have to go with the Puggery Schmmozle (#1)
I'm not usually a big fan of pugs... but this is just cute ^_^ maybe it has to do with the whole MIB thing that’s been on my mind all week... (did you click the link and dance along? hehe I did! *dances like the big monster thing*)
Thanks again for the reminder!
::big hugs::
Well, back to this research paper... it’s due tomorrow... :(
Princess Stuffpants! Cute kittie gets my vote!
# 2 for me. How cute!
It's gotta be #2. I bet he's a terror when he's awake.
#3 pleez
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