peer pressure. funny animals. 3 each week needing your vote. laughing recommended. don't forget to check your chads...
... from around the world
... comes animalee-goodness in alllll kinds-o-forms!hey all, how wuz' all of yer weekendz? do tell me when you vote 'dis time around! share & vote i always say! i'm gonna be off tomorrow, so i figured i'd post 'dis week's lil' doods early and give some of you night owls 'da chance to ring in yer votes early. ah' think yer all gonna like 'dis week's contestants. i flew them in from all over the world to show you that adorable animalee-goodness comes in all sizes, from all places and in all flavors.
thanks for stopping by,and please share this site with all yer friends to help rock 'da vote!enjoy yer week!
me likes number 3......i can almost hear him thinking..... ***BLINK BLINK***
#1, such a cute little critter. It looks so comfortable and secure. But. Wait. Are those really toenails? Man, are they long. That's right they are used to climb in trees and hold on for dear life when the wind blows or sleep dragons attack.
#2, now there is one agile tiger. It took me a moment to get my eyes oriented sufficiently to discern what form of cuddly cuteness this was only to be smacked down by striped cuteness.
#3, dikdik, an interesting name. I feel it is important to suggest that we are both sexist pigs. You for assuming it is male, and me for assuming it is female because of those beautiful eyes and eyelashes.
As for the vote. I cannot, will not, and refuse to admit that they eyes have it. #3 you cute little dikdik, you have my undying love, attention and vote.
OK, only the vote counts, so, -b, be sure to mark down a check mark or two for #3.
this is a visitor fueled site.Every week on monday there are (3) fuzzie
contestants to choose your favorite from. clicking on each image allows you to view larger and read commentary to laugh, openly weep, smile and then vote by leaving a comment. friday's have poll results & occasionally
a FAN tribute!
i make no money from this site. i claim no ownership to any images i find, unless i state somewhere "i took this picture!" if you want credit for a picture, contact me. i am not responsible for people passing on images and/or adding to already circulated content.
me likes number 3......i can almost hear him thinking..... ***BLINK BLINK***
Let's cut to the chase!
#1, such a cute little critter. It looks so comfortable and secure. But. Wait. Are those really toenails? Man, are they long. That's right they are used to climb in trees and hold on for dear life when the wind blows or sleep dragons attack.
#2, now there is one agile tiger. It took me a moment to get my eyes oriented sufficiently to discern what form of cuddly cuteness this was only to be smacked down by striped cuteness.
#3, dikdik, an interesting name. I feel it is important to suggest that we are both sexist pigs. You for assuming it is male, and me for assuming it is female because of those beautiful eyes and eyelashes.
As for the vote. I cannot, will not, and refuse to admit that they eyes have it. #3 you cute little dikdik, you have my undying love, attention and vote.
OK, only the vote counts, so, -b, be sure to mark down a check mark or two for #3.
Snork, giggle, snerx.
# 2 for me, cause I love the kitty - even though it looks like it's getting ready for a snack.
#3 looks like that female deer in Open season. I totally agree *blink blink*
#2 is my favorite animal...#3 is adorable, but my vote is for #1!!
The dikdik looks like it should be an anime cartoon. Too freakin' cute.
i vote nr 1. he is (she?) so peaceful!
I vote for Contestant 1!
Okay, see I vote on occassion. I'm going to have to say #1.
#1 is just so cute. It looks like it could give hugs and never let you go!
#1 is adorable.
Go for the JUGULAR!
My first question would be WHAT IN THE BLUE HELL is the 3rd one???
Kinda looks like a deer, but it isn't right??
DDDeuce -
yesh, it's a lil' dear.
jes' an unfortunate one to have eaten too many green eggs 'n ham, with sam i am and an elephant...
so, is that your VOTE then?
Yes thats my vote and thanks for the post on my blog..but your not a dumb american brother
and no worries bout being a sports fan
Us canadians take our sports alittle more seriously then americans
I mean you guys created 10-pin bowling(*cough*EASY GAME*cough*)
and we made it extremely harder with only 5 pins...
#3 - who can resist those eyes?
I lurve you all, but FYI, votes have already been tallied. I'll count any votes that lay above this POST, but anymore will not be counted....
My apologies! but i gotsta' put my foot down!
Votes are accepted normally from Monday AM to Thursday midnight...
see you all next week, and i'm working on the LOADING issue with Blogspot to get the results of this week uploaded... sorry for the delay!
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