peer pressure. funny animals. 3 each week needing your vote. laughing recommended. don't forget to check your chads...
... how was your weekend?
... thought it'd be good to jes' keep it simple this week and post some animalz that reflect how i felt most of the weekend. hope you all had a better one. no fears tho, the peasants rejoiced and some of them quite possibly have posed for the pics below.
so, enjoy, smile, post a comment to lay claim with your vote for your favorite... and rejoice in animalee-goodness.
omgoodness!!!!! dat puppy is sooooo cute, plus, that's how i feel in da morning too!! number 3 all the way baby :)
blogger is being VERY strange. i posted, it didn't show up...i still didn't show up....i posted, refreshed again....nothing. now both comments are there. gawd!!!
i know you jes' wanna PAD the votes, (perfect example of why the sites called fuzzieCHADS... check those voting chads people!!!) and normally a badass gal brandishing a pistol can preeetty much have her way, but i yanked the one mysterious vote you placed due to bloggery-issues.
thank you tho, for your enthusiastic participation in 'da animalee-goodness!
I have felt the way all them look at one time or another. (No pina coladas though, yucky coconut in it.)Poor little dazed and confoozed kittie, coconut is bad for little bunneries, lost relaxd puppery goodness. Which to choose? Well, I choose...(drumroll please)...#3, lost relaxed little puppery goodness.
I vote for kitty! He looks so psychologically scarred, I want to take him home and pour him some 'quilas and watch silly movies till himz forgets all his woes.
this is a visitor fueled site.Every week on monday there are (3) fuzzie
contestants to choose your favorite from. clicking on each image allows you to view larger and read commentary to laugh, openly weep, smile and then vote by leaving a comment. friday's have poll results & occasionally
a FAN tribute!
i make no money from this site. i claim no ownership to any images i find, unless i state somewhere "i took this picture!" if you want credit for a picture, contact me. i am not responsible for people passing on images and/or adding to already circulated content.
omgoodness!!!!! dat puppy is sooooo cute, plus, that's how i feel in da morning too!! number 3 all the way baby :)
Well, old lad, you have done it again. What delicious fuzzy, gooderness. How am I to decide? Darn, darn darn, and other less mild expletives.
#1, you need to get a new bartender. Pina colada and Wild Turkey. Yuk. You will need those humongous pills.
#2, I'd look confoosed too, were I in your paws. And what's with the bow? A road map would have been a good prop.
#3, I feel your comfort lil snoozer bundle.
Today is a #3 kind of day. I should have stayed in bed, but no, I had to get up to vote. It was worth the effort as usual.
I'll take #3. That looks like a great cuddly.
blogger is being VERY strange. i posted, it didn't show up...i still didn't show up....i posted, refreshed again....nothing. now both comments are there. gawd!!!
Number 2. The bow wins me over.
well, vesper dear...
i know you jes' wanna PAD the votes, (perfect example of why the sites called fuzzieCHADS... check those voting chads people!!!) and normally a badass gal brandishing a pistol can preeetty much have her way, but i yanked the one mysterious vote you placed due to bloggery-issues.
thank you tho, for your enthusiastic participation in 'da animalee-goodness!
I have felt the way all them look at one time or another. (No pina coladas though, yucky coconut in it.)Poor little dazed and confoozed kittie, coconut is bad for little bunneries, lost relaxd puppery goodness. Which to choose? Well, I choose...(drumroll please)...#3, lost relaxed little puppery goodness.
(wv: chodmh.....chad? meh)
#3 is my choice
I definitely feel the way #3 looks lately.....better off staying in bed. Too bad my kids can't fend for themselves yet. Go #3!!!!!!! -Sis
#2 - That look is too funny! It's like what is this bow on my head??!!
I vote for kitty! He looks so psychologically scarred, I want to take him home and pour him some 'quilas and watch silly movies till himz forgets all his woes.
Oh my goodNESS!!!!1 #3 by FAR, that puppy is too, TOO freaking CUTE! Awwwww......... :)
Am I too late to vote??? #3!!! Ohohoh, so love the idon'wanna...just like me. MF
see kitty
see kitty see meat grinder
see kitty frightend
run kitty run!
don't worry kitty, meat grinder is for tuna burgers
I like poor kitty.
#3 - the puppy is by far the cutest. Puppy screams.. pick me... pick me!
Gotta be #3 - he looks like I feel on Monday morning.
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