... anna happy "mew" year! hope you all had a faboo weekend!? i did fer sure. since i'm not sure if i'll be able to post next monday, i figured that this week wasn't TOO early to post the CHRISTMAS FUZZIECHADSRULE CONTESTANTS!? right!?
soooo, gather up yer mirth and cheer, put those voting elf-caps on, and tell all yer friends too to partake this year inna little-bitta-fuzzie cheer!
#3 Fir me!!!
what a cutie ta have under the tree
hee hee
sorry I don't know what's gotten into me!!!
This week I have mentioned the choices to my wife. Maryann would like to vote for #1. She advised me that I can vote a proxy for her, as long as it is for a cat.
So, with a little luck, the management will allow me to cast a vote for her and a vote for me.
She votes for #1.
Here goes my vote.
Maryann is not looking, so I am free to vote my conscience.
With that said, #2 and #3 are really quite cute and make it difficult to make a choice. However, #1 is, without a doubt, and no undue influence, the absolute cutest one and gets my vote.
No pressure, no pressure.
Thanks to the management.
You know, I try hard to give all the critters a fair chance, but you got two of my favorite things in photo#1.
Kitty + Twinkle lights = vote!
(just a little math for y'all out there; did I mention I passed my math class with an A? :D )
cutie hammie #2, please!
I'm gonna have to go with the puppy in #3 please!
#3 for me too! why do i hear mauw? when i look at it though?
#1 :)
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