... and they are ready to get all rumbly. i, however, feel like yak poo. i'm tired, kinda cranky and don't really wanna be at the office this AM. sooo, i'm going to selfishly use 'deez contestants to try & brighten mah' day, instead of worrying about health issues, cruddy white blood cell levels and other schtuff...
so HERE @ FCR, we're a multi-functional website! vote, read the comments, read the captions, send this website link to those in need of smiles and gigglz, think good thoughts-n-stuff! we're like the ultimate painkiller! good for woes, aches, painz and we're not shaped like a gynormous horsey pill!
go vote. i'm done ranting. *hugz to you all*
#3 wins - love it when you laugh so hard you feel like your jaw comes unhinged. OR maybe it's a very luxurious yawn? Whatever it is, puppy wins me over. :D
pups in clothes. . . who can say no to that???
I have to go with #2. The bunny...with the floppy ears...and a HUGE piece of lettus...just something about it...
Oh my, all too cute, but mr bunneh has me hoppin' this week! :o)
i have to go with the bunners too this time - it just screams looky what i got ... that you don't :)
I have to say #1 bc it reminds me of my little rat dog Joey when he's wearing his fleece. LOL
#1, you are quite right to be bummed about the color of your chic(?) outfit. Did you notice #3 got the pink accessories? I think you are suffering some cruel and unusual punishment.
#2, didn't your momma ever tell you it is not polite to talk with your mouth full?
#3, you say the gigglz hit, but I think you are just one very tired puppers who can't suppress a very, very big yawn.
My vote goes to...
I like nomming bunners #2.
#2 rules! It's a spring day outside and he's got breakfast. What you don't see in the picture is a grande mocha with whip.
okay, I don't generally go for puppies, and I especially don't generally go for puppy costumes, but this is just too cute!
#1 wins!
Gotta go with #1
Designers...make it work!
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