
... and then there was won

... bunnery-goodness flows and easily overwhelms the compeh'tition this week. wow. i mean, it wasn't even close. there were leetle pieces of the other contestants spread around everywhere. it's like a bunneh-tsunami swept through and laid some bunneh-whoop.

anyhoo, aside from the results, thanks to all who have emailed in and whatnot wishing FCR management well from his recent bout with 'da flu. it seems to have passed mostly for now, with only a nasty cough that still threatens and tickles the back of his throat annoyingly enough. MEH! see you all next week!!

1 comment:

Jack K. said...

You don't suppose the bunneh's dander could cause the back-throat-tickle, do you?

A cuppa hot tea, a throat lozenge, and, on occasion, a shot of whiskey and lemon in the tea. (The last is not recommended for those who regularly operate machinery, i.e., computers, cars or electric shavers. tehee, snerx.)

Glad to know you are healing.