
... tough choices need tough people

... and dat's jes' who you all are, eh? it's the start of a new week. how you all gonna make do? you gonna be positive? negative? kinda 'meh? it's all in how you choose to face each day and those challenges that make life worth living. right? yay! lemme hear you say it! c'mon? hawoo?

okay, yer right. sometimes you jes' need something fuzzeh' to hang onto for a bit. for this need, i give you 'dis week's contestants. vote hard people. america needs you.


Anonymous said...

#3 haz ta be the cutest puppeh evah!!

Jack K. said...

#1, it looks like you must have slept through the camouflage class. Needless to say you look cute among the fruit.

#2, as the caption indicates, you must be one to know one. You are a bit bafflingly inquisitive, aren't you? I have been known to detect that crazy relative right in the comfort of my own abode. There is just something magical about the mirror in the bathroom. snerx.

#3, upon first glance I was completely taken with the possibility that you might get the vote this week. While there is still that possibility you will have to hang in there a little longer to learn the outcome.

Enough suspense. Here is my vote.

ta da

#2 We kookoos must stick together. You get my vote. I just hope you can read it looking upside down. It should be easy, since there are only 3 and not 5 choices.

Little Lamb said...

I vote for # 3. That puppy is adorable!

Karen said...

#2 is yummmy, wrapped in suga and spice and everything nice which is hawkishly delicious!

Hale McKay said...

I'm afraid I was taken in by that puppy's eyes ...

# 3!

Drop by at the suggestion of Jack to cast my vote.

Anonymous said...

they say 1 out of 4 is crazy..if your 3 friends are fine.....then come sit by me!

cRaZy #2 please!

Lani Olson said...

Oh man... I chan't pick between judgment hammie and pilates pup. Ohhhhh... well, I guess I've gotta pick super adorable over grouchy faced. #3 please!

Anonymous said...

My vote goes to #2; I luffs magical creatures with upside-down heads.

Vixen said...

Omgoodness! The look on that little mouse face cracks me up.

But my vote is with #2. :)

Dan Humphrey said...

gotta go with #3 cuz I don't think that's pilates he's doin'

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#2 - I feel the same way some times :D

Anonymous said...

Go pilates puppy!! #3 baby! -Sis

Anonymous said...

#2 - somedays the world looks better upside down.

~ C