
... summer is here

... and boy is it already a weird one. sun... then wind... then sun... then rain.. then sun.. and oh wait, some sun. nope rain. i hope everyone elses summer starts out a bit more normal than mine has. plus, don't even get me started on allergies. oi vey.

vote this week, enjoy the silly-ness, tell your friends, and i'll post some results on friday, eh?


Anonymous said...

hmmph well, lets just say theez guyz pale in comparison to the squirrellz :), anyway I vote for squishy bunny #3.

Karen said...

from one earz fwappin' to another...

#1 gits my vote!!

Anonymous said...


#... 1
no, 2
no, 1
no, 3

number one!

*runs away before my mind changes again...*

Anonymous said...

I love the little bunners with the windy ears!! Definitely #1 this week for me! -Sis

Adrianne said...

Have to vote for #1

Anonymous said...

#1 gets my vote this week.

France is very beautiful. Pics to be posted in July.

Jack K.

Anonymous said...

#1, please. Melikes the windy bunny.