also, since i'm a slacker again, i failed to post last week's winner. CONTESTANT #2, 'da bush baby lemur kicked butt and took home the gold. thanks to all who contributed a vote!!!
here's this week's roundup of the fabulous four. which do you think will come out on top?

blue fishee 'splodes my fireworks!!
I like #2
#1 please! That is one happy hammie. Er... or whatever it is.
I know, I know. I SUCK. I'm so sorry for being neglectful!
I say #3. :)
It's 3 Am. I should be asleep, but I'm still on Europe time.
Here goes anyway.
#1, no doubt about it, you're one happy little critter. Or, did you get that puffy because someone is putting the squeeze on you?
#2, management calls you a 'sploding firecracker dude, but I'm not so sure. There just may be something to all of those stories coming out of a certain place in New Mexico.
#3, your taste in wine will have to be investigated. What was the year? It looks like it could be a cab or a merlot. Where is the cheese? As for the cat, well, you are barking up the wrong tree with me on that one. The cat says she will bat your pretty little nose again, and this time the claws stay out. snerx, giggle.
#4, c'mon, guy. 'Fess up. You aren't really a pengie, but a blow up gadget shown at used car lots. Right?!?
Now for the vote.
#3, in spite of your anti-feline attitude, the vote goes to you. You will just have to clean up your act. And don't forget the cheese next time.
ya know, when I looked at all these faces on monday, I just could not make up my mind.
I think, though, that wednesday is the perfect day to vote for fatface. He looks like he got slammed against the sliding door! (not really)
But his giant cheeks do make me very happy. So my vote this mid-week goes to #1.
#1 please. He makes me wanna give him a whole pumpkin, and maybe a hug. Yes, definitely a hug. But just a little one, 'cause I wouldn't want to smoosh him....
Contestant #2 is my winner... he visits me often after much jager.
I have to vote for # 3. He reminds me of our departed Pomeranian - the smartest pet we ever had.
#2 for being my favorite color!!
#2 !!! Shh Don't tell anyone
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