
... get ready, this'll be tough!

... okay, you all think your jobs are hard, eh? try weeding thru my archives and archives of fuzzie-goodness to bring you all (3) candidates each week! it's tough, i tell you. but a thing of magic and hilarity that makes MY week start off right at the very least.

hope these three doozers help some of you smile. if so, pass the voting rod to a friend and invite them to leave their vote anna giggle. you'll like it, i promise. it's like flowers, only cheaper and perhaps fuzzier.


Jack K. said...

#1, you remind me of Yoda. You must understand the mysteries of the universe. That is something to consider in the voting.

#2, some might think you are getting scolded. Others, like me, choose to think that you are being pointed out as a NUMBER ONE bunneh.

#3, who knew that squirrely would be invited to the reception. You are really supposed to wait for the cake to be cut by the bride and groom.

Management has done it again. Glad to know that this exercise puts him in a good mood for the week.

With that I will cast my vote for #1. Yoda does it all the time.

Karen said...

Who nibbled on the cake!?! Yeah right, let me see ya squirrel outa this one, or is it weasel?!?

In any case, ya took a bit outa it!!!


#3, of course!!

Anonymous said...

ya know, I was totally gonna go with whitey-the-fox, but the lines of the open-squirrel-mouth just made it for me.

Squirrel-noms rock.

Adrianne said...

The fox and I are on the same page this morning. He can come curl up with me, just check the claws at the door.

Number 1 please.

Peter said...

#3 gets the nod from me.

Hale McKay said...

Both the snow fox and the bunny are cute - but a squirrel that shows us that if we get married we are nuts - then he gets my vote.


Vixen said...

Why is that person poking that bunny?! LOL

I vote for #3 :)

Sorry I missed last wk, it got away from me. *hugs*

Lani Olson said...

Bunneh #2, please.

Anonymous said...

You made this ever so difficult, but I have finally settled on #1, 'cause he's so darn foxy...

Anonymous said...

#3 for me cuz his relatives have recently taken over the backyard and I don't want any trouble :}

Anonymous said...

omg how cute. mmmm cause it surprised me with giggles. I vote # 3

Anonymous said...
