but i digress... let's move on and never speak of this moment again, shall we?
apparently, our puny galaxy wasn't big enough to curb the appy's of this week's winners. the whiskeree duo has swept you the coveted trophy this time around , and these (2) lil' hammies are set to take over their next universe now that they've conquered ours. (seemed logical) thanks to you all this week who rocked the vote. i'm impressed with the power that the hammie contestants brought in such star power, some new faces, and of course, welcome regulars. i lurve you all.

now onto a past winner. another dynamic duo that set the world on fire. okay, not really but they did leave pawprints all over ma' kitchen floor... and we allll know what that means. oh... you don't? well, read on then. these lil' squooshable buggers cracked me the hell up, and still do!
See you all next week, and don't forget to photograph YER fuzzie-animalee-goodnesses at home and submit to me for a possible wednesday tribute!

Missed the last contest. Well, next time. The expression these kitties faces is priceless, I found myself trying to imitate them, like when babies do faces and we instinctively follow. I swear i brought my brain in one piece and completely dry and I don't know why now is soaking on worcestershire sauce!
I have but two comments.
1. I was up early this AM to check on the outcome and there was nothing there. Of course it was on KS time and there is a differential of a couple of hours. But, you don't sleep so I thought it would be there. I can't tell you how disappointed I was. And if that were not enough along comes...
2. For some weird reason the photo at the bottom of this posting did not come throughl. I get that little blue box with a question mark.
pout, sob, wail. Oh why did this have to happen to me? I've been good. (Imitation of Bill Cosby from his Noah's ark routine.)
Chuckle, chuckle, chortle and a resounding SNERX!
Whiskas won! yeah!
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