think it thru. don't panic. i'll be here for you as well as the other 25 voters from last week.
now, go tell all yer friends too about the power of the fuzziness too. then consider snapping a shot of yer animalz and sending them in to my newest playground, every wednesday i'll highlight a fan's animalz and give 'da proper props. so c'mon... share a little. yer animalz will thank you for it.

Well, you have done it again, -b. A formidable task.
#1, how do we know the felinus is really gynormous? There is nothing to compare it to. I do understand the concept of paralax distortion, and those paws to look large. Does it have anything to do with the type of lens on the camera? Or the distance between the lens and the cat?
#2, fuzzy goodness. Milk and circular oat cereal are a well-loved combination. Now you add a rodent to it. Hmm? It is really cute. The little paws are so, uhm, so.
#3, emu who? It does look rather regal in black and white. Is this the first avian to be presented? Senior moments and technical backwardness keep me from remembering or looking for the answer.
Now the answer that very few in America, the world or the universe, for that matter, is anxiously awaiting. My vote.
If I only had a dart board. They are all deserving. Should I be swayed by shed feline fur, being nipped by a wee rodent, or pecked by a teeny bird?
OK, I'll go out on a limb and go for the bird at #3. At least for a while he won't reach me there.
So there you are. #3 gets my vote. Hopefully, others will see its genuine cuteness.
I have to go with's just so cute...and it likes Cheerios!!!
#1 all the way. How adorable is that cat?
Hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend!
Char :)
Oh dear, you put me through some difficulty choosing.
um, hmmm, I choooooosssseeeeee.
# 2
Gotta be #1
I am thinking 3 this time around. I loves me some cats and the cheerio eating cutie is something special...but the emu. EMU WINS!
Definately going with emu. Sorry but it reminds me of the chocobo from the FF series. i had one that looked like it then i realized my disc was on the fritz..... :'(
thats 3 btw
#2 gets me today.... tomorrow it might be my lil' emu buddy, but since I'm voting today... well, tough luck little birdie. Really, who could deny the lil' fuzzbucket seconds on the Cheerio? He's SOOOO adorablicious!
Who woulda thought that there was a critter little enough to make a cheerio look big? any more han a drop of milk and it will drown.
Ok, so now for my vote....#2. It's just so little and cute!
omgness!! i like tiny contestant #2 : ) can you not? the cheerio is as big as his head!
I can't help but love Contestant #1
Resembles my husband when he sleeps.
I bet the Cat (I would name him cheddar) probably snores.
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