this week, FCR management has but one favor to ask you all. vote.... then tell a friend to do the same. recent vote-posts have declined, and while it's likely due to that whole pesky LIFE thing gettin' in the way, 'da animalz still need you. so, to all of you who have enjoyed the animalee-goodness in the past, continue to talk this site up and getting some more stats. I heard that there exists a magical website hit counter that donates money to animal charities based off website traffic...? (perhaps an FCR fan may know of this?) if anyone knows, please email me at - and remember to send those FAN~ANIMALZ submissions to that email address as well for my weekly fan tribute to YOU and your animalee-goodness!

This wasn't an easy choise this week! I had ti look at the behbeh's for a long time...
going back and forth back and forth...
The bunnies are cute, but at this point thet are not exuding their regular fuzziness yet, therefore kind of reminding me of rats. Hmmmmm
I'm going with #3
The twin badgeries looked into my eyes and said:
"come on lady, twins, looking right at you with our beedy badgery little eyes!"
I needed this today...thank you
xxx Darlene
I would have taken you to court for such a lapse of memory, but a senior moment overtook me. What was the question?
Oh, yes, select the cutest of the three.
I must admit b/sistersshoes has some very excellent reasons for her vote. I may be swayed by them.
Let me give it a try.
#1, you cute little bunners are so adorable. Your "ratlike" appearance may be the best thing at this time of the year. So continue to nap until the drum roll and then you can respond appropriately. Yeah, I know, you will sleep on, or grouse about all of the noise.
#2, now some might say you are defiant. What do they know. Have they slud a mile in your flipper slippers? I think not. Some are so quick to judge. I suspect the psychological term "projection" will apply here. So continue to hang out like Joe Cool until the vote.
#3's, you guys/gals certainly present a united front. (snerx) Upon closer viewing I see you are peeping out from under some type of furry, fuzzy coverlet. Did you get it at WalMart? Or, did your folks bring it to you. Either way they did clean it up well. Now don't tear it up with those menacing claws.
Drum Roll Maestro, pleeeeze.
The vote.
#2 your willingness to give us all the flipper if you could touched the individuality need in my psyche.
U win hands, oops, flippers down.
Wooot, woot, giggle, giggle, snerx.
Num-ber 1! Num-ber 1!
Too cute!
...WOW! your site is SUPER! *pokes at all the coolness*
::more hugs::
#1 gets my vote for the warmest and fuzziest! :+)
#1 for me.
They are just too cute.
what? no fuzzy BIRDS???f?????????
harumph (now what kind of bird noise is that?)
as there are no birds, i pick the badgers.
It's gotta be the twin badgers....adorable. -Sis
big ups for number 2!
defiant sealee goodness!
How can I not vote for the badgers!?
And by golly, I think the badgers could take out all the bunnies!
omgoodness!! you cannot make me vote!! well i guess that i am and to make up for my lack of defiance, i shall vote for #2 :) question about it.
Nope nope, number three. Definitely.
#2, the attitude is too much cuteness.
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