- this week's winner of your votes, (... and then there was 'won')
- a flashback to a past winner, (... TGTF "thank gads they're fuzzy" moments of reflection)
- and FAN~ANIMALZ! (my special & newest weekly tribute to a fan's beloved pet!)

peer pressure. funny animals. 3 each week needing your vote. laughing recommended. don't forget to check your chads...
Thanks for including my baby in your fanimalz!
Answered your comment on Prairie Princess. You were right.
For some reason that I am unable to fathom, I keep getting code symbols whenever I try to view the pics.
Damned disconcerting. I was able to see Prinny larger than life, but only once.
I screwed something up, but for the life of me, I don't know what or how.
well, jack... i'll hafta prolly email them to you, lordy knows i can't do tech support on your PC given that nowadays it could be a bejillion things wrong with settings and stuff that you prolly had NO part in!
oi vey
lemme know
Woot, woot, woot.
Prinny is back. I just had to let the computer rest a while.
You jes gots to lurve the winner.
tee hee, giggle, snerx.
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If not, YESH
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