peer pressure. funny animals. 3 each week needing your vote. laughing recommended. don't forget to check your chads...
... FCR has gone to the dawgs!
... yup, that's right... can i get a woof woof?wha!? a sunday post!? what in the world!? calm down my peoplz! 'ah posted early today 'cuz next week'll be totally busy for me. i jes HAD to change it up a little here at FCR and show 'dese doods BIG this time around! i got my paws on some incredibly funny shots of puppery-goodness and decided this week's contestants would be competing for the best "woeful gaze" award! you be the judge, as always, click each panel to read the potentially vote-swaying commentaries, and pick yer favorite by leaving a comment witcher' vote! enjoy yer week and remember, tell yer friends to all come and vote too... 'da animalz need yer help.
omg, omg, OMG!!!!! PUG POWER!!!!!!...i guess it's safe to assume i am voting for #2.....OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! puggerz all the way baby :)
Well, I'll be! What a surprise this evening. Here I am just cruising through the usual blogs. The first time today, and here it is. Time to vote again. This time it is not going to be easy. I am not usually a dog kind of guy, but I have to make an exception this time. With that said it is time to get down to business.
#1, what a cute little rascal. I am not sure how woeful the look though. I wonder how big he will get when he grows into those cutie paws.
#2, at first glance I was ready to chalk this one off. But, when I went to the enlarged pic, that was another story. Now, that is woeful if I ever saw it.
#3, what a hopeful little rascal. He just hopes that those little eyes will melt your heart and make you forget his criminal behavior. You gotta give it to him for his resourcefulness. But, hey, I didn't know puppers even knew how to suck on straws. I know they are born hard-wired to suck for sustenance, but soft drinks?
So, while #3 could use the vote to sustain him during his recovery from a tummy-ache, I must give my vote to #2.
this is a visitor fueled site.Every week on monday there are (3) fuzzie
contestants to choose your favorite from. clicking on each image allows you to view larger and read commentary to laugh, openly weep, smile and then vote by leaving a comment. friday's have poll results & occasionally
a FAN tribute!
i make no money from this site. i claim no ownership to any images i find, unless i state somewhere "i took this picture!" if you want credit for a picture, contact me. i am not responsible for people passing on images and/or adding to already circulated content.
omg, omg, OMG!!!!! PUG POWER!!!!!!...i guess it's safe to assume i am voting for #2.....OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! puggerz all the way baby :)
Well, I'll be! What a surprise this evening. Here I am just cruising through the usual blogs. The first time today, and here it is. Time to vote again. This time it is not going to be easy. I am not usually a dog kind of guy, but I have to make an exception this time. With that said it is time to get down to business.
#1, what a cute little rascal. I am not sure how woeful the look though. I wonder how big he will get when he grows into those cutie paws.
#2, at first glance I was ready to chalk this one off. But, when I went to the enlarged pic, that was another story. Now, that is woeful if I ever saw it.
#3, what a hopeful little rascal. He just hopes that those little eyes will melt your heart and make you forget his criminal behavior. You gotta give it to him for his resourcefulness. But, hey, I didn't know puppers even knew how to suck on straws. I know they are born hard-wired to suck for sustenance, but soft drinks?
So, while #3 could use the vote to sustain him during his recovery from a tummy-ache, I must give my vote to #2.
I must vote for the drink thief.
My vote goes for bambi eye'd # 3
My vote is for the oh-so-cute #1...adorable. (someone give #2 a cookie)!!! -Sis
They're all cute, but the cuteness of number 2 over powers the cuteness of the other ones.
Gotta go with #2 and his mashy face.
#3, looks as if he's trying to mesmerize you into believing he isn't really taking a sip, and you just got to believe him.
my vote is for the dachund... he looks lust like my little one... so I HAD to pick him :)
i'm all about 2! pugs...who can't love pugs! pugs here
gotta go with the mutt
#1 all the way
dude...make sure you have some "you" time this week...if not, you might just start sounding a little crazy!
xo Darlene
#1 is the best
gotta go wit # 2... he just looks so pitiful... Give him the cookie for goodness sakes!! : )
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