...yeah, so aloha and mahalo and all that crap. good to see you all, sorry i missed my deadlines with the winner of last weeks vote and some noobs this week for you all to check out. so, yeah, i'm still suffering from jetlag and all weirded out 'cuz no one's come 'round to fill up my mai tai. damn. tough world i know i also caused a ton of people to mess up their normal monday routines by not posting until after 9pm onna monday... you all have my apology. really. honest. please hold me.

Little baby duckies!!! Little baby duckies!!!! They're so cute and fuzzy!
If only they hadn't put that silly sweater on the sheepie... count my vote in for the singermousie! :)
# 3 please.
I just love the sound of mewww zik!
I won't take long to vote today.
The sound of mewwwww-zik does it for me.
Did I tell you my vote was for #3? Well it is.
2 oh please , gotta luv the duckies.... ernie does.
The lamb is cute, the ducks are adorable, but the singing (?) mouse gets the vote this week!!!!!! -Sis
i likey the lamby :)
number 1 for me
#1 reminds me of my daughter
and I have to say...shhhhh(i don't think #3 is a mouse...it looks a little chipmonkey to me?)(don't tell him though because he really really likes cheese ;)
xo darlene
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