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... when kittenzee's attack!
... there's bound to be some victims! luckily, for you FCR fanz, that's not the case. we're some of the proud, the few, the good peoplz. yup. it's true. coming to this site at least 2 times a week has been proven to increase your chance of laughter, uncontrolled giggling, a better heart rate and even a flatter tummers from all that belly flexin! this week's no different fer sure, the kittenzee's have taken over the show and need your votes, and all yer friends' votes too. spread the word. if not, i'm not sure what these crazed lil' doozer's will do. i'm washing my paws of it tho, since i'm in honolulu this whole week on a business trip. (yesh, i said honolulu, peoplz... datz right, don't hate the player..., hate the game.)

Good lord you make this so hard to choose ^..^ ^..^ ^..^
I'm going with #1...ONLY because this lil cutay matches the leaves outside....what? You say that's a silly way to make a decision?
Okay...#1 because he looks like a baby Garfield...still not good enough?
Geez...#1 because those big blue eyes made me laugh and laughing gives me a flat stomach...right?
I'll take # 2.
I just love hide and seek!
Well, there you all are. You are being displayed where I can see you all. Your cute little kitteny-eyes are staring at me, just daring me to ignore you. I know, you want my complete attention. You want my vote. You are persistent little buggers. What is a poor soul to do when faced with such choices? I will do the best that I can, knowing it will not be good enough. Here goes.
#1, your orange, tigery cuteness reminds me of "Scooter" and "Socks" in their younger days. They, too, were special kitties. Why "Scooter" even taught a little girl to crawl. Strategic movement does it every time.
#2, are those blue eyes I see peeping out at me? Thanks for finding the remote. I wondered where my spouse had hidden it. tee hee.
#3, you remind me of "Hazel", our current feline master. She likes to sit on my lap while I am at the computer. It's good to see you are learning your skills of keeping after the staff.
As for the vote, it goes to #3. I am a sucker for a cyber-kitten. Just remember to turn the machine off when you are finished.
#3..because I interpret for my fuzzins all the time..and that is EXACTLY what they say. They are frustrated by the lack of response. I try to tell them that dad just doesn't understand
Kit-ese as well as I do. MF
#3, cuz it's the most adorable of the 3 kitties, and I've been around kitties who DO crawl up legs for attention! -Sis
#1 gets my vote!
i used to have a cat that hid in our couch...we always ended up sitting on him :)
my vote goes for kitteny goodness #2 -- many giggles hope hawaii is being its fantastic self!!
#3, only because animals are always trying to get my attention. At home though it's big puppy noses instead of cute little kitty noses.
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