... wassup mah' peoplz!? the resultz this week of the voting-goodness was pretty easy this time around. you all really 'otter' come clean with yerselves... yer all a bunch of pushovers for a pile of ottery-pups smooshed allll up. either way, thankees for the votes and your participation. i hope you enjoyed this week's efforts.
today tho, i'm sorry to say i don't have a FAN~ANIMALZ tribute to offer up. seems like many of you are holding onto yer animalee-goodness shots and don't wanna make yer petz famous... ooooh well. don't forget to submit those pics if you want fuzzie-immortalization to occur. (it's painlesss... i swear!)
so, you all also get to start voting EARLY for this next's friday's winner! i'm out of town this weekend, and not getting in till briiiight & early monday AM.... so basically i'm not stoopid and know that there's no way in hell i'll be cognative enough to post that early.. but what i did do is scour long and hard for some humor this time around. (cuz we all know how i'm always sooo serious) so enjoy, clicky to read the humor, vote, and be happy dagnabbit! (and tell all yer friends to vote too.)

Sah-weet! My cutie patootie otters won! What is that?! Two weeks in a row??? Do I know how to pick 'em or what?! LOL! ;)
So this next wk I totally go with #2. Can't pass up an adorable puppy!
#1, you are in for real trouble when you cannot touch the ground. Being in a pocket isn't all its cracked up to be.
#2, are you food agressive? Fenwick is. Those little toofums are much to sharp for me. Perhaps #3, could use some carrot chewing help.
#3, why must you try to put all of that baby carrot into your mouth pouch at one time? I know, it's in the genes. Well your handler isn't doing you any favors leaving you in that green room alone, unattended with all of the carroty goodness.
In spite of all of the goodness in each of these photos, I am tempted to vote for the otters. Oops, that was last week's conundrum, er, challenge.
So here it is without further ado, I won't waste another moment. It is just about here.
OK, #3 you have my vote, but you will have to take etiquette lessons. And don't talk with your mouth full.
btw, good luck ee. This may not be your week or mine for that matter. lol
I saw the turtle, thought "Eh, that's kinda cute."
I saw puppy and thought "Puppy on Crack" and kept on going.
Then I saw the hamster and smiled really big. Have to go with #3.
I vote for the tiny turtle...that one made ME smile. -Sis
Turtle-boo, I choose YOU!! Adorable attack, GO!!
teeny, weeny, itsy, bitsy, turtleez! when it's that small how can you not go awwwwwwwe :)
oh oh oh
# 3 please.
I just love it!
which to coose, which to choose....hhmmmm. They are all soooo cuuuute!!!!
Ok, Ok I pick.....#2. Have to go with puppy on crack, or is it a baby chewbacca?
#2!! #2!!! You were right, I needed that..thanks. Mo
Holy zomgcarrotface! I throw my support firmly behind the Marflemargeroonneeeerrgh Party.
3, no contest!!
And YEAH...my comments are being saved finally!!!
your traveling again?
Be safe!
xox darlene
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