here's the winner of last week, and more votey-goodness as we come closer to yet another holiday season. as you can tell as you read on... some of the contestants are a little more excited than others. i hope you all have a great week, thanks for voting when you do and pass the goodness word on to all you know.

Kat, maaaaaauw -- yes you know what that sounds like b :) giggle. gotta vote for contestant #3.... hmmmm, that face reminds me of someone ;)
# 1
It's almost Christmas!
# 1
Hee Heee
They seriously crack me up. Remind me of my Joey dog.
Contestant #3 gets this one's vote.
The photo taken after this one has been posted on the "When Animals Attack" site.
Being a staff member for Hazel, our Queen, I may have a propensity to be swayed to the felines. We shall see.
#1, weiner-dog hover-craft, now there is a unique concept. I bet you little buggers never touch the ground. An interesting question just crossed my warped mind--is it weiner dog mating season? Just a thought.
#2, I would be pissed too. You were too polite (why, I don't know) to mention the lack of space for litter, food and water. And no bow. NO BOW! That is animal cruelty taken to a new extreme. Heads will roll with that mistake. Do rolling heads make good cat toys? Look out Barbie. lol
#3, "All right, who is the mean-ass who thinks it is cute to debase the leader? I will shred your underweat the first chance I get. @#$%#$@ stupid headgear!"
OMG, OMG, OMG indeed. You are all deserving. Where is my dart. Oops. the screen almost blanked out before I got to vote for....
....# boing, 1 boing, one, boing.
Ho, Ho, Humbug, #3. You have my vote. -Sis
gotta be #1. should i come back several times as an anonymous poster just to make sure?
yeah, i agree with that bird. number one is the sure-fire winner.
me too- number one. and i am a legitimate anonymous commenter - not just that bird again trying to rig the vote.
#3; he looks a lil like my Aries-boo, except maybe a buttload angrier...
Choices, choices, whick to choose...doggies or kitties? I could be introuble no matter which I choose....hhmmmm.
Ok, ok, I choose.....the reindeer kittie. Now where do I hide?
aww... kitty number two is cute and fuzzy- but I'll have to go with the hotdog dogs- NUMBER 1~~!!!
Bless you Bronx for all of you kind and wise words of support.
xo Darlene
p.s. I vote for #2 ;-)
Hehe... pissed of kitty...
you know he's gonna crap on your shoes for this costume stunt.
and then nap.
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