i think you'll find them all agreeable, which is wayyyyy more than i can say about this seasons political heists going on out there. at least here, you can count those fuzzie chads and be certain your vote counts.
UPDATE! This 2nd contestant's narrative should read: "take a moment and realize that this lil' ball of energy is eyeing YOU for 'eez chewtoy...." OKAY, you may now commence with the shuddering.
Number two doozie is a lawt of cutie patootie!!
#3 cuz clean critterz iz cute critterz
Goodness gracious, here it is, 8:20 PM, Tuesday evening and I have yet to cast my vote.
I better get a move on before the polls close.
#1, my what a cutie you are. It will be difficult to find another cuter than you, but there are still two more to take a look at.
#2, you do have a cute way about you. I bet you are very friendly, too.
#3, now you guys do know how to win the hearts and minds of the neighborhood cats, don't you? Whoever said meeses were dirty never observed them in their periodic ablutions. You do make it difficult on the voting public.
I shall persevere, and studiously cast my vote for #1. Bunnehs of the world unite! But be sure to practice safe sex, otherwise we could be up to our shoulders in bunnehs. snerx.
Bunners #1, please!
Gotta go with #1.
And hopefully you are feeling better soon. Being sick sucks!
#1, please. Melikes the floppybunners.
i was thinking 1, but then that mousie cleaning its foot is just so darn cute, so it must be 3.
2, well, i live with crazy and know what is coming after that look (no, i don't live with that particular dog, but i live with A dog)
While I do love #2, sooooo cute. My vote is for #1. Looks absolutely huggable!
awww i want that bunneh! #1 please
It's all about the ears.
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