
... so much to say

.. and so leetle' words to say it with. this week has some stiff competition fer sure. i'm going to sit back, watch the votes come in, hope you all support your favorite animalz, and by all means getcher friends to visit this site and vote.

it's all about smiles, laughter and making each day of the week count. how can you NOT take this link http://www.fuzziechadsrule.blogspot.com, copy/paste it into your emails out to peoplz, post if on your site or blog, and ask each of your friends to have a smile-anna-vote on you! besides, i get nuttin' from this site. no campaign money, no spiffs, no coupons, absolutely-nuttin' 'cept a happeh' feeling when people participate. so yeah, rock'da vote.


Lani Olson said...

My vote goes to #2. He's too cute and silly-faced to pass up.

Anonymous said...

ooh... rough vote this week. I'm gonna have to marinate on this for a while...

Adrianne said...

I have to go with the birdee on the head...I vote for #3

Allison Coffin, PhD, DTM said...

I'll vote for the first one, whatever it is.

Anonymous said...


Jack K. said...

My apologies to the management for taking so long to vote.

#1, you are a cute little rascal. Please don't give momma to much grief as you learn how to survive in this world.

#2, you must have been swimming in b-'s new wading pool. From the looks of things it was filled with a very, very, very dray martini.

#3, with the skills and cunning you are displaying you do not have to rely on camouflage. Please do not relieve yourself here. snicker.

Now for the vote. #3 is a very close second to ....

#2, shaken not stirred.

Karen said...

#1 is pudu kute and has my vote this week!

shannon said...

2, no questions asked.

Peter said...

# 2 with the first one a close second... if that makes any sense.

Anonymous said...

#2 please

Hale McKay said...

I like number 2 also.

Number 3 - I think is a photo of a lad who's destined to become a professional referee.

Anonymous said...

Funnnnny birdeeeeeee......#3 for meeeeeee!!!!! -Sis

Anonymous said...

#1, please. For a couple of puduheads, they're awfully cute...

You Don't Say said...

gotta go with door number two