
... summer is here!

... i know, you thought i was gonna spell it "hare," 'cuz of this being a funneh animal site. well, see, if i had done that, i would have become predictable, and we can't have that! so listen up folks... i had the mother-of-all 3 day migraines last week that kept me outta work and life from thursday on.

i tell you this 'cuz i couldn't even get near a PC on friday to post the winner and trophy of last week's contestant. the connundrum is currently that i also cannot post the trophy below all this text 'cuz people apparently can't figure out how to arrow down further and see that there's new contestants to vote on! sooooo, i've decided to simply state the winner from last week and then move on:

"leetle fwappy windy bunneh won last week by a breeze!"

so yah, there you go. the winner was the #1 contestant last week. thanks for the votes and here we go for this week!


Anonymous said...

My vote is for the Dobby look-a-like #2.

Karen said...

Rack up #3 for me!

Anonymous said...

WHATEVER it is, #2 gets the vote this week!!! -Sis

Lani Olson said...

#2 looks like I feel most Mondays: Part confusion, part sleepiness, part bewildered despair. I feel his pain, so he gets my vote.

Anonymous said...

and the difference between a monday and a tuesday is that I vote for #3.


Dan Humphrey said...


Feelin fer the under caffeinated little guy.

Jack K. said...

I hope my vote gets to you in time since it is Sunday here in sunny Lille.

Deer #3 gets my vote.